Entrance Requirements for The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training is a High School Diploma, General Education Diploma (GED) or higher College Degree.
Enrollment dates can be obtained from the School Calendar (see school calendar). Students must be enrolled and attending no later than the third day of the first class for the first term for chosen calendar start dates.
The student is expected to attend class on the first day for all subsequent terms. Upon completion of the Medical Assistant Curriculum, students will receive a Certificate of Completion from The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training.
Leave of Absence
Any student who must take a leave of absence may do so, by submitting in writing to the school Education Director. A letter stating why the student needs to take a leave of absence. When applicable and as requested by the Director, the student wishing to take the leave of absence must submit documented proof for said emergency, death in the family, or situations that the school deems necessary to have documented proof.
Upon meeting these requirements, the school director will then approve, disapprove or find a solution agreed to by both director and the student, so student may or may not take a leave of absence. Both the director and the student will document all approvals, disapprovals or solutions in writing with signatures. The student will receive a copy for their record as well. A Student will not be allowed to take a leave of absence for more than two consecutive or non-consecutive terms per curriculum length.
A student who takes a leave of absence during any course term where a grade of a course will be affected will receive an incomplete grade of “I” for such courses. Once a student retakes the course, the course grade for that course will replace the incomplete “I” grade.
Standards of progress
Students are issued a numerical grade for each course. The numerical grade is based upon student performance for a combination of classroom work, quizzes, tests, projects and homework assignments. All classroom work, quizzes, tests, projects and homework assigned during the course must be completed before the student begins the next course. A numerical grade of “0” is given for work not completed by the end of the course and that grades is averaged into the course grade, unless the incomplete work is the result of a leave of absence (refer to leave of absence). Students will receive a Mid-term Progress Report at mid-point of each term.
Mid-point occurs between weeks 7th and 8th. The Mid-term progress report will indicate what the current course grade the student has averaged at this time. It will be given to the student by each course instructor as a means to inform the student current pass or fail course status. Each instructor will review this progress report with the student and if necessary inform or assign additional homework, class work and or projects to allow student to bring up their grade to passing. Final progress report will also be given to student at the end of the course. The final grade will of course indicate if the student passed or failed the class. A student, who receives a final grade of “F”, will have to repeat the course. If the course is not a pre-requisite course of the next quarter courses, the student may have the option with the approval of the Education Director, of taking the failed course along with the next term courses. This applies, if the school is able to do so schedule wise.
A student that repeats a failed course, must pay once again all course cost. If a student fails a course due to special conditions or interruption because the student has an emergency or must take a leave of absence, upon returning, the student may repeat the course free of charge. The student must inform in writing to the Education Director the nature for the interruption and get approval as described under the Leave of Absence Policy (see Leave of Absence). The only fees a student may be charged are book fees. This will only happen if at the time the student has returned, new books are needed for the repeated course. Students, who fail two or more courses per term, will be placed on probation. A student must pass each course in the curriculum with a minimum grade of 65% in order to continue in the program and qualify for graduation. However, the expected norm for graduates is 80%.
Grade Scale
95 – 100 | A+ | 4.00 |
90 – 94.9 | A | 3.50 |
85 – 89.9 | B+ | 3.00 |
80 – 84.9 | B | 2.50 |
75 – 79.9 | C+ | 2.00 |
70 – 74.9 | C | 1.50 |
65 – 69.9 | D | 1.00 |
Below 65 | F | 0.00 |
Incomplete | I | 0.00 |
Class cuts/tardiness/make-ups
All Students are responsible for all course work missed due to class cuts or absence. Make-up will consists of a minimum of one class hour of instruction (50 minutes). A student wishing to make up hours must attend a supervised class with an instructor where they participate in the current lesson or work on a make-up assignment as assigned by the instructor for the class that they are making up. The instructor of the supervised classed will initial a make up sheet. Under no circumstances will make up hours replace absent hours and a student cannot make up hours in advance in anticipation of absences. Excessive absences will cause student to be placed on probation (see probation policy).
Calculation of grade averages
The cumulative program grade is calculated by multiplying the numerical grades received for each course by the number of hours for that course. The result is the number of quality points earned for that course. The quality points for every course are added together and divided by the total number of hours earned to determine the cumulative grade point average.
A student will be placed on probation when the student has failed two or more courses in the same term, consecutive terms, throughout the curriculum, or has excessive absence as described under attendance. If a student fails one course the probation period will be one term only. If a student fails two or more courses as previously described, the student will be placed on probation for two consecutive terms. If a student continues to fail during the two probationary terms, the New York Center for Medical Assistant Training has the right to dismiss the student for unsatisfactory progress.
Graduation Requirements
The level of student performance expected by the school is based on the job performance level expected by employers. To graduate, a student must complete all courses, including projects and exams, with grades specified under the Grading Policy. Students will be able to graduate with a certificate if a cumulative grade point average of at least 65 has been achieved.
A student will be allowed two absences per term. Upon a third absence the student will receive a warning from the course instructor so student is aware that progress may be affected. At this time, the student will be responsible to make-up the absent hours as well (see make-up policy). When a student is absent a fifth time, the student must see the Education Director to explain reasons for absences and discuss a method to correct such. When the student acquires a seventh absence the student will be dismissed for that term and will have to repeat term courses.
The student will be responsible for all fees unless the Education Director has noted extenuating circumstances and approves a waiver of course fees. Reasons for absences, method of corrections, and extenuating circumstances will be documented in writing and will require both student and Education Director signatures. When applicable, documented proof may be requested. The school reserves the right to authenticate such documents when necessary.
Refund policy on unused portion of tuition fees, etc
Refunds owed on a student account will be paid directly to the Student. Refunds will not be issued if the student owes a balance oh his/her tuition account.
Registration of School
The New York Ctr. for Medical Asst. Training is registered by The New York State Education Department with an approved Medical Assistant curriculum.
The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training offers payment plans as a means of payment
Certification Exam
Students are encouraged to take The National Board of Certification exam given by The National Center for Competency Testing.
Conduct / Dismissal
A student must conduct themselves in a profession manner at all times. There is absolutely no profanity allowed at any time, anywhere or any place on or near the school premises. A student may not threaten verbally or physically any person, instructor, other student, employee, or visitor of any violent act(s) or commit violent act(s) or crimes.
Based on the circumstances of the situation of misconduct, a student will either be asked to leave the school for a day, placed on probation for a term, or dismissed permanently by the school. In cases of violent acts or crimes committed, The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training has the right to pursue and prosecute the student (s) and or person (s) involved to the full extent of the law. A student/person, who is asked to leave the premises of the school and refuses to do so voluntarily, will be escorted by The New York City Police.
The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training will apply these methods to ensure safety for everyone and to create an atmosphere where education is the primary goal. Academic dismissal is based on student’s academic progress and attendance as described under attendance, conduct, and probation policies. A student who is dismissed has the right to appeal to the Education Director if they feel that their situation merits individual attention due to unusual circumstances that contributed to their failure of a course(s).
The student must write to the Education Director stating the reason for the appeal. The letter must state; 1) what the unusual circumstances the student feels caused the failure, and 2) what they have done or plan to do to alleviate the problems they have had in academic performance. The Education Director may request additional information or documentation in support of the student’s request. The performance of a student appealing an academic dismissal is reviewed by the Academic Board.
The Academic Board is composed of the student’s instructor, a senior faculty members and the Education Director. Every area of the student’s performance is explored and a decision concerning the request is made at the end of the review. The Academic Board has the final decision on student performance issues and may implement conditions for the student’s continuation in the course.
Credit granting policy for previous education and training
Credit for training received prior to attending The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training cannot be used as transfer credit towards completion of the Medical Assistant program.
Description of office space
The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training is located at 132-35 Sanford Ave. #L4 Flushing, NY 11355. The current office space has three rooms; 1) a Lecture classroom with all the necessary medical equipment for the medical courses, 2) Classroom with computers for the medical billing, computer application courses and a lab for student research and 3) the Administrative office.
Financial Assistance
The New York Center for Medical Assistant Training (NYCMAT) believe that Students and their parents have primary responsibility for a student’s education cost. However, most families are unable to immediately fund the entire cost of training and education. To that end NYCMAT is offering various easy tuition payments plans for all the courses offered. In addition, NYCMAT will be participating in various financial Aid program and will be offering such financial Aid includes but not limited to loans, grants, Agency Funds, Veterans Benefits and Employers reimbursement. Information regarding Financial Assistance can be obtained from the agencies themselves or from the school’ Financial Aid officer/administrator.
Job Assistance
Students prepare for job from the start of training. They participate in variety of job related activities such as good work habits; punctuality, attendance, reliability and job responsibility are emphasized throughout the training. NYCMAT work with the local health care industry but does not guarantee job placement. NYCMAT does help job ready individuals procure training related jobs. We encourage the trainees to identify job opportunities and to compete in the job market on their own.